School News

Tim Hopkins, Chair of Governors for Branston Locks Primary & Nursery School

I am extremely proud to welcome you to Branston Locks Primary and Nursery School as the founding Chair of the Local Governing Body. I have been involved in Governance for over ten years and have been a Director of John Taylor MAT since 2016. I am currently the Vice Chair of the Trust Board, Chair of the Trusts Achievement and Progress committee and a member of the board for another school within the trust. I am proud to have been part of the team who worked on the initial plan for this school, and I cannot wait to watch it being constructed, ready to welcome our first classes of children.

Early Years education is my passion and I hope to be able to use my professional knowledge to support Mrs Bryant and her team, to ensure that each day is the best it can be for all our children and their families.

My professional experiences are quite varied across the education and training world. I am a qualified teacher, and I am currently the Strategic Development Manager of a local family-owned childcare group. I am also a trainer for Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board as well being a Director of Early Education the oldest Early Years charity in the UK.

I have two children who have also had the gift of a JTMAT education and all that being part of the trust has to offer.

I am approachable, and a good listener. I’m a great believer in parent/carer involvement and participation in school life.

I hope to be as visible as possible and share in the joy of seeing our children blossom, thrive and achieve in all they do here at Branston Locks.

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Building Updates

June 2024

We are delighted to be able to share with you the construction progress from the school building site; we will use this as a place to share the latest updates regarding the development of Branston Locks Primary & Nursery School. For the latest instalment, please see June’s progression report, and check back regularly for further updates.

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