School News

Mrs. Gwynn, Assistant Headteacher for Branston Locks Primary & Nursery School

I am thrilled to have been appointed as the Assistant Headteacher of Branston Locks Primary and Nursery School, and I am very excited to start what I know will be an incredible journey with our children, families and school community. I consider it a huge privilege to be offered such a unique and wonderful opportunity to help grow a school and community from its roots!

Early Years is where my heart is and is where I have spent the last four years, but I am lucky enough to have taught every year group throughout the primary phase.  My specialist subject is Music, and I am passionate about the importance and value of the wider curriculum such as Music, Art and Forest School. I also have a passion for phonics and reading and in addition to being an EYFS teacher, I was also the Phonics and Early Reading Lead, EYFS lead and Music Lead at my previous school. Just like Mrs Bryant, reading is an area of huge personal enjoyment for me, and I love to pass on a love of reading to the children I teach.

I understand how fundamental it is to get the Early Years right so that we create a firm foundation to build on for the rest of your child’s school life, and therefore my aspirations as an Early Years Teacher are that the children I teach love to learn, are inspired and get excited about new experiences. Also, that the children are ready to learn and have a growth mindset where they are curious, active learners. I believe in a child centred and play-based approach to teaching where the ‘whole child’ is developed, and children are taught using a variety of teaching styles. My classroom is always a hub of hands-on, real-life play and learning experiences such as observing real life-cycles of caterpillars and tadpoles, baking and planting and growing.

In addition to my role as Assistant Headteacher at Branston Locks, I will also be teaching Reception and taking the role of Special Educational Needs Coordinator. Having moved from another school within the John Taylor Multi Academy Trust, I am also looking forward to continuing a positive partnership with the trust and utilising the support and expertise that being part of John Taylor MAT can offer.

I can’t wait to get to know all our Nursery and Reception children and build strong relationships with our children and families ahead of September.

Mrs A Gwynn

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Building Updates

June 2024

We are delighted to be able to share with you the construction progress from the school building site; we will use this as a place to share the latest updates regarding the development of Branston Locks Primary & Nursery School. For the latest instalment, please see June’s progression report, and check back regularly for further updates.

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